Authentic Advice From Awesome Mistakes

I have sometimes made the wrong decision, lost my cool with employees, and failed to follow my rules.

I Suck As a Leader.

I have sometimes made the wrong decision, lost my cool with employees, and failed to follow my rules.

However, there have been times when I have pulled the team together to overcome a difficult situation, meet an impossible deadline, and close a much-needed sale. 

The difference between horrible and next-level performance is as follows:

Sell the dream

People do not have to believe in their dreams. They need to think that you are genuine in trying to accomplish it. Just ensure it is big enough that all involved can achieve their dreams by working on it.

Lead the charge

When things go wrong, teams tend to complain. During these times, it is critical that you, as their leader, provide a time for them to complain in the open. Afterward, give them the solution with specific actions for each role.

Get out of the way

Avoid the temptation to tell people how. Instead, explain what to do and provide a timeline with intervals of completion. 

Hope this helps

- Todd

I desire to help companies scale with investment, advice, and support. If you need help, have a question, or are seeking funding, email me at [email protected].