The Best Co-Founders Run

If you want to find the best co-founder, invite each candidate to a 5-mile run.

If you want to find the best co-founder, invite each candidate to a 5-mile run.

The interview is held while jogging through a scenic path and ends at a bar, restaurant, or coffee shop.

If you want to become the best co-founder, run, bike, or swim regularly.

A decade ago, I was overweight because I worked at a hedge fund with an expense account for meals.

After being embarrassed by a picture my wife took of me, I bought a bicycle to ride the greenway trails in Raleigh. At first with my children and later with co-workers.

Eventually, I was riding 100 miles per week.

My co-workers and I rode to lunch, meetings, and just because.

Our CEO ran many miles each day, and so did our CMO. Everyone in leadership had some serious exercise routine.

Soon, it became clear that being in shape correlated with business success.

Sure, there are billionaires who never exercise. However, successful people tend to have successful habits.

If you invited me on a 5-mile run today, I would have to postpone to work back up to it for a week or two.

However, the fact that someone would work hard to meet means they probably have the dedication needed to help build a new company.

I hope this helps you,

Todd Moses