Your Purpose Is More Important Than Ego

When a company has a reason beyond profit to exist, it grows faster, weather storms, and has an easier time discovering product market fit.

When a company has a reason beyond profit to exist, it grows faster, weather storms, and has an easier time discovering product market fit.

Building a company on a desire for money is the same as taking a job based solely on the salary. For a while, it can be endured, but soon, the pain will become unbearable.

Understanding pain

When backpacking for long distances, it is easy to continue despite severe discomfort because the only way to escape the pain is to finish. At some point, going back is longer than moving forward.

Moving forward

Just as being faced with a third mountain ascent in one day while carrying forty pounds of gear hurts, so does a startup when everything goes wrong. The excitement of the adventure has faded, and you are left with only your will to continue.


The desire to live, a promise to family, or a cause you feel strongly about are great motivators. Money is not. At some point, money becomes irrelevant. After you have what you want and no longer worry about finances, more income loses its value.


A business can only reach record heights that make the news if the founders have a motivation greater than profit. Elon Musk, Sam Alton, and many others continue despite already having great fortunes. They have a motivation that is more significant than money.

Hope this helps

- Todd

I desire to help companies scale with investment, advice, and support. If you need help, have a question, or are seeking funding, email me at [email protected].