Private Equity
Introducing the AI based ant colony
Top 10 Ways to Save Now
If you would like to reduce SaaS production costs or just learn tricks for cost savings while developing new products, this is the place for you.
Growing up, I would read Field and Stream at the local barber shop.
As we get close to Thanksgiving, we should reflect on the things we have with an understanding of what we hold dear.
VCs look at your company like the farmer's pig.
Twice, while building startups, competing technology was released that made what we were making obsolete before it was even completed.
What is rarely mentioned is that AI will make most companies obsolete.
A new company would have a nearly impossible time competing in technology.
If I were starting a company today, I would first look for a mission
While AI is making product development faster, it is also reducing the value of software companies.
You must understand the game you are playing before you can win.